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Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the Revised Common Lectionary?

    The Revised Common Lectionary is a three-year cycle of weekly lections used to varying degrees by the vast majority of mainline Protestant churches in Canada and the United States. The RCL is built around the seasons of the Church Year, and includes four lections for each Sunday, as well as additional readings for major feast days. During most of the year, the lections are: a reading from the Hebrew Bible, a Psalm, a reading from the Epistles, and a Gospel reading. During the season of Easter, the Hebrew Bible lection is usually replaced with one from the Acts of the Apostles. The lections from the Hebrew Bible are sometimes chosen from the Apocrypha.

    The seasons of the Church Year reflect the life of Christ. Consequently, the gospel lections for each Sunday provide the focus for that day. The other lections for a given day generally have a thematic relationship to the gospel reading for that day, although this is not always the case. In Ordinary Time, the Revised Common Lectionary offers two sets of readings for the lessons from the Hebrew Bible. One set proceeds mostly continuously, giving the story of the Patriarchs and the Exodus in Year A, the monarchial narratives in Year B, and readings from the Prophets in Year C. In the other set of readings for Ordinary Time, the readings from the Hebrew Bible are thematically related to the gospel lections. Denominations or local churches generally use either the semicontinuous readings or the thematic readings during Ordinary Time. They do not typically move back and forth between the two over the course of a single season.

    The gospel readings for each year come from one of the synoptic gospels according to the following pattern:

    • Year A - Matthew
    • Year B - Mark
    • Year C - Luke

    Readings from the Gospel of John can be found throughout the RCL.

  • Is there an in-depth discussion of the Revised Common Lectionary that is easily accessible?

    An introduction to the Revised Common Lectionary can be found http://www.commontexts.org/rcl/RCL_Introduction_Web.pdf here.

  • Who compiled the Revised Common Lectionary?

    The Revised Common Lectionary was produced by The Consultation on Common Texts (CCT). At the time the RCL was compiled, the CCT was composed of representatives from the following denominations (taken from Consultation on Common Texts. The Revised Common Lectionary. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992):

    • The Anglican Church of Canada
    • Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    • Christian Reformed Church in North America
    • The Episcopal Church
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
    • Free Methodist Church in Canada
    • International Commission on English in the Liturgy (an Agency of 26 Roman Catholic National or International Conferences of Bishops)
    • The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
    • Polish National Catholic Church
    • Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    • The Presbyterian Church in Canada
    • Reformed Church in America
    • Roman Catholic Church in the United States
    • Roman Catholic Church in Canada
    • Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
    • The United Church of Canada
    • United Church of Christ
    • The United Methodist Church
  • What is the Consultation on Common Texts?

    "The Consultation on Common Texts (CCT) originated in the mid-1960s as a forum for consultation on worship renewal among many of the major Christian churches in the United States and Canada." The group's efforts continue to this date, having produced the Revised Common Lectionary and the Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, among other resources. (from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, 2005, pg. 5)

    The CCT website can be found http://www.commontexts.org/ here.

  • What churches are current members of the Consultation on Common Texts?

    Current members of the Consultation on Common Texts are:

    • American Baptist Churches/USA
    • Anglican Church of Canada
    • Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
    • Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    • Christian Reformed Church in North America
    • Church of the Brethren
    • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
    • Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
    • Mennonite Church
    • North American Lutheran Church
    • Polish National Catholic Church
    • Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    • Presbyterian Church in Canada
    • Reformed Church in America
    • The Episcopal Church
    • The United Methodist Church
    • Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
    • United Church of Canada
    • United Church of Christ
    • United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    • Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
  • Where does the Revised Common Lectionary originate?

    The Revised Common Lectionary, first published in 1992, derives from The Common Lectionary of 1983, both based on the Ordo Lectionem Missae of 1969, a post-Vatican II ground-breaking revision of the Roman Lectionary. "The post-Vatican II Roman Lectionary represented a profound break with the past. Not only were the readings organized according to a plan whereby a richer fare of scripture was read in liturgical celebrations, in contrast to the medieval lectionary where the choice of readings was simply helter-skelter, but for the first time in history the Sunday lectionary covered a period of three years, each year being dedicated to a particular synoptic author--Matthew, Mark, or Luke. A fourth year was not dedicated to the gospel of John because readings from this gospel permeate the sacred seasons, especially the latter part of Lent and most of Easter."

    (from The Roman Lectionary and the Scriptures Read in Church, by Frank C. Quinn. National Catholic Reporter, Volume 31, no. 5 (November 18 1994), p. 6)

  • Where can I get a list of those passages of the Bible that are not included in the Revised Common Lectionary for Sundays? In other words, what passages of scripture are left out of the Lectionary?

    One way to get at the passages that are not included is to use the small "open Bible" icon at the top right hand corner of the webpage. It lists all of the passages in Biblical book order, so it is fairly easy to determine what passages are not included in the Sunday readings.

    The Daily Lectionary includes many more passages, spread over three years of readings. We offer a Biblical book order list for these readings, which can be found here: Daily Readings Citation Index in Canonical Order.

    To see the combined list of passages, check the "Scripture Readings in Biblical Order, Appendix B", found on pages 310-352 in Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, Consultation on Common Texts. Fortress Press, 2005.

  • Is the Revised Common Lectionary different from the Roman Catholic lectionary?

    In a number of instances the two differ, primarily on feast days that are specific to the Roman Catholic Church. An excellent website for the Lectionary for Mass (1998 USA) can be found here.

Structure and Use
  • What about those scripture verses that open with confusing references, or clearly need prefacing?

    The Consultation on Common Texts writes this in the introduction to the RCL: "In the opening verses of readings...the reader should omit initial conjunctions that refer only to what has preceded, and substitute nouns for pronouns when the person referred to is not otherwise clear. The reader may also preface the readings with an introduction, such as "N. said (to N.)."

  • I want to provide a link to the Lectionary readings for each upcoming liturgical date on my website. Is there a widget available that does this?

    We do not currently provide a custom widget. Many popular website platforms, including WordPress, provide ways to embed RSS feeds. Check with your website provider to see if options are available.

  • Why are there so many options for first and second readings, Psalms, and Gospel readings? Doesn't this detract from the goal of getting everyone to read the same lessons?

    During the Season after Pentecost, the Revised Common Lectionary offers two sets of parallel readings. The first set of "semicontinuous" OT readings follows major stories/themes, beginning in Year A with Genesis and ending in Year C with the later prophets. "Complementary" OT readings follow the historical tradition of thematically pairing the OT reading with the Gospel reading. Whichever approach is chosen at the beginning of Pentecost, the intent is for the remaining Season after Pentecost readings to follow the same approach. In addition, both sets of readings sometimes offer alternate options (indicated by italics): readings that may be used with, or in place of, the standard reading. Finally, note that the psalms for each Sunday after Pentecost are intended to be paired with a particular OT reading (either semicontinuous or complementary).

  • How is the Revised Common Lectionary structured - why are there two sets of readings after Pentecost?

    The RCL offers a three-year cycle with four readings for every Sunday in the Church Year. These readings are:

    • A Lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures (or Acts during the Season of Easter)
    • A Psalm
    • A Lesson from the Epistles or Acts
    • A Lesson from the Gospels

    After Pentecost during Ordinary Time, there are two sets of Hebrew Bible readings. One set progresses semi-continuously through the Patriarchal/Exodus narratives (Year A), the Monarchial narratives (Year B), and the Prophets (Year C). The other set is related thematically, or is complementary, to the gospel lections for those dates. The Hebrew Bible lections during the rest of the year are thematically related to the gospel lections, which are in turn connected to the seasons of the Church Year. Additional readings are provided for special feast days.

  • Why do the Propers have different numbering systems?

    The Proper numbers within brackets represent the system used by the Roman Catholic church and The Anglican Church of Canada, based upon the historic Roman lectionary. The Proper numbers without brackets represent the system of numbering used by the rest of the participating church bodies that have adopted the Revised Common Lectionary. The differing numbers do not indicate differing readings, but rather indicate traditional practices.

    The Consultation on Common Texts (the interfaith organizational body responsible for the current Revised Common Lectionary) adopted the practice of the Episcopal Church of replacing the "Sundays after Pentecost" with "Propers" keyed to the civil calendar (e.g., instead of the "Ninth Sunday after Pentecost," you now have "Proper 11, to be used on the Sunday between July 17 and 23 inclusive.") [from Alexander Ring, "The Path of Understanding: The Development of Lectionaries and Their Use in the Lutheran Church." Evangelical Lutheran Synod General Pastoral Conference, January 18, 1998 - http://www.blc.edu/comm/gargy/gargy1/AlexRing.gpc.html]

  • Why are passages from Acts used as Old Testament passages after Easter?

    It appears that the tradition of using Acts instead of the Old Testament is a very ancient one, established in the early Church.

    According to the Consultation on Common Texts,"Revised Common Lectionary," Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992, pg. 13:

    "A final concern in relation to the Easter cycle has to do with the disuse of the Hebrew Scriptures during the season of Easter in the Roman lectionary (a practice mentioned by Augustine in the fifth century). Following the liturgical tradition of the Ambrosian and Hispanic rites in the West and also that of the majority of the Churches in the East, the Roman lectionary of 1969 does not use the Old Testament during the Great Fifty Days from Easter to Pentecost. Nevertheless, the Roman rite (and the Revised Common Lectionary) has included extensive Old Testament readings in the vigils for Easter and Pentecost."

  • How can the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary be used in worship?

    First and foremost all of the texts can be read aloud (although the Psalm is often sung). In addition, hymns, prayers, litanies, and other liturgical elements which reflect the themes and language of the text can be incorporated into the service. When a congregation hears, sings, prays, and listens to the words and images of common scriptures over the course of several years, their connection to those texts is deepened significantly.

    Using the RCL ties worship in a local congregation to the worship of millions of Christians around the world. Drawing from a common set of texts means that Christians will be hearing and reflecting on the same scriptures and themes. Sometimes they are even singing the same hymns. In addition, building worship around the texts of the RCL also ties local worship to that of the historic Church. Using all four readings develops the discipline of reading and hearing the scriptures that define the Christian faith. It also deepens the congregation's understanding of the Church Year (and consequently the life of Christ) while also helping to set the rhythm for that year. Since the Revised Common Lectionary is drawn from a long succession of older lectionaries, using those readings in worship echoes the earlier practice of the Church. One final, pragmatic advantage to using the RCL is the wealth of liturgical and homiletic resources that are available around the common texts.

  • Where do I send questions, corrections, requests, or concerns?

    Just fill in the feedback form below:

    (Note: Any comments containing website URLs will be blocked by the spam filter.)
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    (optional: if you would like to further discuss your comments with us)

  • When does the new lectionary year begin?

    On the first Sunday of Advent. The first Sunday of Advent is four Sundays prior to the Western feast day of Christmas (December 25).

  • Why are there are two liturgies on the Sunday before Easter? -- Liturgy of Palm and Liturgy of Passion?

    Both options are offered for a variety of reasons. For some churches, the length of the Passion narrative is problematic for Sunday worship, or the churches choose to read the Passion narrative at a special service before Easter. Some churches choose to read both, celebrating Palm Sunday but also reading the Passion narrative in lieu of a sermon. The dual offering accommodates practice for all denominations on this important liturgical Sunday.

  • Why are some lectionary verses in parentheses?

    The Revised Common Lectionary, 2012 edition, states "Owing to the overall length of the[se] readings, options in versification are provided for several passages."

Bible Versions/Translations
Calendars - Email
Terms Of Use
  • May we link to your website from our church's website?

    Certainly. Please contact the library to let us know that you are linking to us. Please include the URL for your site in your e-mail.

  • What are the terms of use for the Lectionary?

    Copyright permission for this project has been received:

    • Lectionary selections are reprinted from Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings copyright © 2005. Consultation on Common Texts, Augsburg Fortress Publishers. Reproduced by permission.
    • Scripture texts are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
    • Prayers are reproduced from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts. Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission.
    • Art images are from the Art in the Christian Tradition database, a project sponsored by the Jean and Alexander Heard Library and the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, a division of the Heard Library, 2007.
    • To reference this website, the following structure may be used: The Revised Common Lectionary. Vanderbilt Divinity Library. https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/. 2008.

    The lectionary selections, scripture texts, and prayers may be freely used for non-profit purposes by worship leaders, teachers, and others in the Church and educational communities. Extensive portions of the NRSV may not be quoted without permission from the holder of copyright as stated above. Please contact us if you have questions.

    The art images and accompanying descriptions may be freely used for non-profit purposes by worship leaders, teachers, and others in the Church and educational communities. They are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License. In short: you are free to use and to share the file for non-commercial purposes under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license compatible with this one. For other use, please contact the Divinity Library Reference Staff with your request.

    Permission guidelines for publication projects using the RCL can be found here: Publication Permissions.

  • How do we credit the prayers in our bulletins?

    "Reprinted from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers, copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts"

Printing and Display
  • Having trouble printing?

    1 -- At the top right hand corner of the scripture texts page you will find a small "printer" icon. Click on it, follow the instructions, and see if that resolves the difficulty. If not, try the next...

    2 -- Perhaps the problem is with a general browser default setting that shrinks the page size so as to fit all the text on one page. Each browser has its own settings for this feature.

    3 -- If difficulties persist, try this: at the top right hand corner of the scripture texts page, you will find a small "computer disk" icon. Click on it. The last option presented are small icons with the words "text document (.txt)" or "PDF document (.pdf)" beside it. Click on one of the icons. Your computer will prompt you to save a file that contains all the scriptures. You can then print that directly or copy it and paste it into your word processor and print it from there.

  • Is there a way to make the font size larger for printing?

    Yes. On the page you wish to print, look in the upper right hand corner of the page. Click on the "printer" icon. The print box will offer four font sizes for printing.

  • Is there a way to make the font size larger for reading online?

    Yes, by using a Windows command: on your keyboard, hold down the control key and press the plus-equal sign key while you are holding down the control key. To make the font size smaller, hold down the control key and press the underline-dash key.

  • How can I print particular passages instead of all of the passages?

    When you are viewing the webpage with the passages for the week, locate the "printer" icon in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on the printer icon. You will have the option to uncheck the passages that you do not want to print.

  • Is there a printable Lectionary?

    You can easily print each "season" (there are seven for each year and are listed in the left column,) using the "printer" icon at the top right hand corner of the page. If you would like a Lectionary without any calendar dates, you can export the files as an Excel document and remove the calendar date field and then print as desired. Another alternative is to purchase a copy of the Lectionary, available in religious bookstores or on Amazon.

Mobile and Other Platforms
Daily Lectionary
  • How do I search for a specific scripture?

    In the top right hand corner of the RCL website, you will find a search box with button text "Lections." Begin typing the book of the Bible, and a list of all the entries in the RCL will appear as a list. Click on the appropriate passage from the list and that passage will appear in the search box. Click "go." The search results will appear in a page that shows where that passage appears in the Lectionary and will provide the text of that scripture passage.

  • Is there a way to see all of the lections in Bible-book order?

    Yes; simply click on the book icon (Lection Index) found at the top right-hand corner of the page.

    The Daily Lectionary includes many more passages, spread over three years of readings. We offer a Biblical book order list for these readings, which can be found here: Daily Readings Citation Index in Canonical Order.

    To see the combined list of passages, check the "Scripture Readings in Biblical Order, Appendix B", found on pages 310-352 in Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings, Consultation on Common Texts. Fortress Press, 2005.

Art -- Prayer
Prior Website -- Classic
Other Lectionaries
  • Where are the readings for saints days and other lesser feasts?

    Since our site is the standard for the Revised Common Lectionary, used across many denominations, some of the saints' days celebrated in Episcopal churches are not included. We produce what the Consultation on Common Texts published in their 2005 edition. To find other saints' days readings, see: http://satucket.com/lectionary/Calendar.htm

  • Do the Jewish or Muslim faiths also have an order of readings based on a calendar?

    In Jewish tradition, the Torah Reading Cycle, or Weekly Torah portion, is a prescribed list of readings that progresses through the year. Some Jews follow an annual cycle of readings while others in Reform Judaism choose to read through the entire Torah every three to three and a half years (in what is called the triennial cycle). For more information see Norman A. Bloom, “The Torah Reading Cycle: Past and Present,” Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy, vol. 18 (January 1995): 37-59.

    As best we know, there is not a “cycle” or “order of readings” for the Qur’an, other than the Ramadan division of readings, where the entire Qur’an is read throughout the month (see “Recitation of the Qur’an” by Anna M. Gade, in Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an, gen. ed. Jane Dammen McAuliffe (Washington DC. Brill, 2009)).

  • Do you have plans to add the Season of Creation readings offered by the Uniting Church in Australia?

    The Season of Creation readings may be added to the RCL website in the future. Currently we offer them as listed below from the UCA website at https://seasonofcreation.com/worship-resources/readings/.

    The season of Creation is celebrated during the four Sundays in September prior to St Francis of Assisi Day (4 October). The sequence of readings for this season creates a liturgical pattern similar to that in the season of Advent. The readings are designed to provide a three-year cycle corresponding broadly to the years of Matthew, Mark and Luke in the Revised Common Lectionary.

    The sequence of readings in each series follows a broad pattern of creation, alienation, passion and new creation. The readings also give special attention to the story of Earth, which complements the story of God and the story of humanity in the Scriptures.

    Year 1. Series A: The Spirit Series (year of Matthew) This series concentrates on those texts where the Spirit is breathing life into creation, suffering with creation and renewing all creation.

    Forest Sunday: Genesis 2:4b-22, Psalm 139:13-16, Acts 17:22-28, John 3:1-16

    Land Sunday: Genesis 3:14-19; 4:8-16, Psalm 139:7-12, Romans 5:12-17, Matthew 12:38-40

    Outback / Wilderness Sunday: Joel 1:8-10, 17-20, Psalm 18:6-19, Romans 8:18-27, Matthew 3:13 – 4:2 or Mark 1:9-13

    River Sunday: Genesis 8:20-22; 9:12-17, Psalm 104:27-33, Revelation 22:1-5, Matthew 28:1-10

    Year 2. Series B: The Word Series (year of Mark) The second series focuses on those texts where the Word is the impulse that summons forth creation, evokes praise from creation and stirs life in creation.

    Earth Sunday: Genesis 1:1-25, Psalm 33:1-9, Romans 1:18-23, John 1:1-14

    Humanity Sunday: Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 8, Philippians 2:1-8, Mark 10:41-45

    Sky Sunday: Jeremiah 4:23-28, Psalm 19:1-6, Philippians 2:14-18, Mark 15:33-39

    Mountain Sunday: Isaiah 65:17-25, Psalm 48:1-11, Romans 8:28-39, Mark 16:14-18

    Year 3. Series C: The Wisdom Series (year of Luke) The third series includes those texts where Wisdom is the designing force behind creation and the impulse that enables the parts of creation to fulfil their roles.

    Ocean Sunday: Job 38:1-18, Psalm 104:1-9, 24-26, Ephesians 1:3-10, Luke 5:1-11

    Fauna Sunday: Job 39:1-8, 26-30, Psalm 104:14-23, 1 Corinthians 1:10-23, Luke 12:22-31

    Storm Sunday: Job 28:20-27, Psalm 29, 1 Corinthians 1:21-31, Luke 8:22-25

    Cosmos Sunday: Proverbs 8:22-31, Psalm 148, Colossians 1:15-20, John 6:41-51

Requested Site Features
Liturgical and Worship Aids
Church Year
  • What is the Church Year?

    The Church Year is an ancient way of telling time. Rather than measuring time exclusively according to the natural seasons, Christians have traditionally measured time in their worship with a calendar built around the life of Christ. Some of the seasons of the Church Year date back to our earliest written records of Christian worship. The current form of the Christian calendar, including its colors, dates, and feasts, was firmly in place by the medieval period. Worship that is centered on the Church Year allows Christians to step into the life of Jesus. Seasons of hope and grief, mercy and penitence assure that all aspects of the human condition are given an appropriate place in the worship practices of the Church. The repetition of these seasons is also an educational tool, gently inculcating the heritage of the faith. The specific season is reflected in the colors used for the paraments in the sanctuary and the clergy's vestments, the texts read, and other liturgical practices like the lighting of the paschal candle. When certain feast days fall during the week it is not unusual to celebrate them on the nearest Sunday. This generally does not apply to Ash Wednesday or Christmas Day.

  • What are the colors and seasons of the Church Year?

    * Advent - The Season of Expectation - Beginning four Sundays prior to Christmas Day, the season of Advent is a time when the Church looks toward the second coming of Jesus and the eternal hope of Christians in the end of time. The color for this season is either Purple (for royalty) or Blue (for the Virgin Mary).
    * Christmas - The Season of Incarnation - For 12 days, from Christmas Day (December 25) through Epiphany (January 6) (inclusive) the Church celebrates the miraculous incarnation of God in the person of Jesus. The color for this season is White.
    * Epiphany - This season connects with the Christmas season as a time of beginnings. Beginning with the visit of the Wise Ones, the season includes the baptism of Jesus, the presentation in the temple, the miracle at Cana, and the Transfiguration. The season's color is Green, with the special days using White for their celebration.
    * Lent - The Season of Reflection - For forty days (not including Sundays) prior to Easter Sunday the Church reflects on the suffering of Jesus. Together, we approach the cross. Worship during this period is traditionally more subdued and penitential. Many people also fast during the season of Lent. The color for this season is Purple.
    * Holy Week - The final week of Lent is called "Holy Week." Often churches that do not typically meet for daily worship will meet every day of Holy Week. At the minimum, they will worship on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The color for Holy Week remains Purple, although some churches use Red on Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday. Some churches also use Black on Good Friday.
    * Easter - The Season of Resurrection - For fifty days beginning on Easter Sunday Christians celebrate the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus and the certain hope their own resurrection. The color for Easter is White. This season ends on the Sunday of Pentecost, for which the color is Red.
    * Ordinary Time - The Season of Nurture and Growth - The periods of time following Epiphany and Pentecost are referred to as "Ordinary" because their Sundays are numbered in ordinal fashion. The focus of Ordinary Time is on developing a deeper understanding of Christian discipleship. The color for this season is Green (for growth).

  • What are the major feast days of the Church Year?

    * Christmas Day (December 25) - Celebrating the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
    * Epiphany (January 6) - Honoring the arrival of the magi.
    * Transfiguration Sunday (Sunday immediately prior to Ash Wednesday) - Prepares the Church for the rigors of Lent by dwelling on the holiness of Jesus as demonstrated in the moment of his transfiguration.
    * Ash Wednesday (40 days, excluding Sundays, prior to Easter Day) - Begins a season of penitence, reflection, and fasting. It is generally observed by the imposition of ashes on the forehead with the words "From dust you have come, to dust you shall return."
    * Palm Sunday (1 week prior to Easter Day) - Begins Holy Week by commemorating Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
    * Passion Sunday (observed on Palm Sunday) - Passion Sunday is sometimes observed in congregations where attendance during Holy Week is low or impossible, or where the congregation wishes to use that Sunday as preparation for the somber tone of Holy Week. This feast focuses on Jesus' suffering, in anticipation of Resurrection Sunday. Passion Sunday is sometimes observed in conjunction with Palm Sunday.
    * Maundy Thursday (Thursday immediately prior to Easter Day) - Commemorates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Services on this evening often include a small fellowship meal and footwashing, in imitation of Jesus.
    * Good Friday (Friday immediately prior to Easter Day) - Commemorates the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. A somber service without the Eucharist, often ending in a darkened sanctuary.
    * Holy Saturday (the day immediately prior to Easter Day) - Commemorates the time when Jesus' body lay in the tomb. Many churches observe an Easter Vigil throughout the night reading biblical texts which tell the whole salvation history of humanity.
    * Resurrection Sunday / Easter Day - Commemorates the resurrection of Jesus the Christ.
    * Ascension of the Lord (Thursday, 40 days following Easter Day) - Commemorates the ascension of Jesus.
    * Pentecost (50 days following Easter Day) - Commemorates the arrival of the Holy Spirit and the establishment of the Church. The color for this Sunday is Red (representing the Holy Spirit).
    * Trinity Sunday (Sunday following Pentecost) - Honors the mystery of the Trinity.
    * Reign of Christ / Christ the King (last Sunday prior to Advent) - Honors Jesus as the unique and fully divine Son of God.

  • How is the date for Easter determined?

    Resurrection Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon following the vernal equinox. The tables used to determine when the full moon falls do not precisely match the ones used by astronomers. Details on how the date of Easter is calculated can be found http://www.assa.org.au/edm here.