a service of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library
Sarcophagus of Drausin  / 3rd-4th centuries (Click the picture for more information)

This Revised Common Lectionary website provides iCalendar files of Weekly and Daily readings for your personal calendar. iCalendar is a standard file format that all major calendaring applications support.

ALERT: You will not be able to make any local changes to this calendar, as it is read-only. New liturgical years will automatically appear as they are loaded onto the Lectionary website.

ALERT: When adding the URLs below to your calendar, please do not use the Import feature in your calendar software. If the URLs are imported, the calendar entries cannot be removed except manually one by one.

General Instructions

All the software processing for the calendar entries happens within the specific calendar application. The Revised Common Lectionary website only provides the URL.

Weekly calendar feed URL:
iCalendar iconwebcal://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/feeds/lectionary.ics

Daily calendar feed URL:
iCalendar iconwebcal://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/feeds/lectionary-daily.ics

NOTE: If your calendaring application does not accept this URL, please try replacing webcal:// with http://.

Specific Calendar Instructions

  • Microsoft Outlook (2007 and later only. 2003 and back do not support Internet calendar subscriptions. There is an open-source addon available to add this functionality; use at your own risk.)
  • Google Calendar (Note: After subscribing, it may take up to 24hrs for the calendar entries to appear on your calendar. This is a limitation on Google's end, not ours.)
  • Apple iCal / Calendar
  • Apple iOS: From your iPad or iPhone, tap the webcal:// link above, and tap Subscribe when prompted. To see your subscription, tap Settings > Accounts and Passwords. It will be listed under Accounts. To subscribe manually, copy the webcal:// link above and tap Settings > Accounts and Passwords > Add Account > Other > Add Subscribed Calendar, and paste the webcal:// link above in the Server box. Note: In previous versions of iOS, "Accounts and Passwords" was titled "Mail, Contacts, Calendars". Please look for "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" in place of "Accounts and Passwords" if you are on iOS 10.x or under.