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Kiss of Judas / Swanson, John August / 2008 (Click the picture for more information)
Reproduced from Revised Common Lectionary Prayers copyright © 2002 Consultation on Common Texts admin. Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission. A complete edition of the prayers is available though Augsburg Fortress [link].
  • Thematic
  • We veil our faces before your glory,
    O Holy and Immortal one,
    and bow before the cross of your wounded Christ.
    with angels and archangels,
    we praise you, our Mercy,
    and we bless you, our Compassion,
    for in our brokenness
    you have not abandoned us.
    Hear us as we pray through Jesus, our high priest:
    heal all division,
    reconcile the estranged,
    console the suffering,
    and raise up to new life
    all that is bound by death. Amen.
  • Intercessory
  • In this holy time,
    as we remember the sacrifice of the cross,
    we offer the prayers of our hearts,
    that through them we may be transformed
    to be servants of justice, love and peace.

    Prayers of the People, concluding with:

    Make us steadfast witnesses of our Savior's reign,
    that we may live in the pattern of Christ,
    who was faithful in all things,
    even death,
    and whose darkest hour gives light and hope. Amen.
  • Scripture
  • Grieving God,
    on the cross
    your Son embraced death
    even as he had embraced life:
    faithfully and with good courage.
    Grant that we who have been
    born out of his wounded side
    may hold fast to our faith in him exalted
    and may find mercy in all times of need. Amen.